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I do

Hi, I'm Xian, I'm a human hailing from the sunny island of Singapore currently based in New York.

and many other fun stuff.


Hey there!

Welcome to my site dedicated to my personal and commissioned art projects! Want to see the commercial work that I do?

Visit the link below

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I look at my body of work as a playful lab. 
A place for the experimentation and execution of mediums and methods. Stripping down each work into their pure mechanics and technicalities.

After all, Style is merely a flavor and I'm glad to be blessed with one.

As a commercial designer + artist, I've often faced hurdles and opportunities both for the same style. There are times where I questioned if I would regret allowing for my aesthetic to be permeated into my very being. That said, I truly believe that there would be more days where I'd regret not living and doing what I am currently doing.

My practice involves a mixture of both fine arts and graphic design. Since the infancy of my practice, I question the relevance of art and design consciously and unconsciously. 

I enter and exit from one to the other in hopes of finding a niche area where I can comfortably make and create. In the years of wondering and wandering,

I have been glad to have settled into the conclusion that continuous wandering is perfectly acceptable!


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